Öztürk Holding will build 660 luxury parliamentary residences in Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon, and a total of 10 thousand social housing units for government employees in 8 different regions. The budget of the project is 1 billion 183 million dollars.

Signatures were signed for the project, which includes the construction of 660 luxury parliamentary residences in Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon, and a total of 10 thousand social housing units for government employees in 8 different regions. The delegation, which went to Cameroon under the chairmanship of Öztürk Holding Chairman Yusuf Öztürk, met with the Minister of Environment and Urbanization, Jean Claude Mbwentchou, to sign. The budget of the project, whose negotiations have been ongoing for more than a year, is 1 billion 183 million dollars.
The project was designed on a turnkey basis, divided into categories on a total of 10 different lands. The project was planned as a mid-scale city that will also include schools, hospitals, shopping areas, police stations and sports complexes. Each of the 660 residences designed for parliamentarians is 550 square meters in size; The size of 10 thousand residences designed for state employees will be 115 square meters. The total delivery time of the project is planned to be 60 months.

Stating that the site has been delivered to them and the ground surveys are about to be completed, Öztürk Holding Chairman of the Board of Directors, Yusuf Öztürk, made the following statement about the process:
“All detail and application projects have been approved and the construction phase has begun. We carried out the necessary inspections in a long and detailed manner by our engineer staff and completed the infrastructure works. As Öztürk, we are happy and proud to realize Yaounde's first social housing project. While these projects we carried out with Africa caused our flag to fly in the international arena; It also makes serious contributions to our economy and the construction industry. Since there is no production in African countries, we will supply all the materials and equipment to be used from Turkey. Therefore, we will introduce the manufacturers of the products used in housing construction in our country to the African market within the scope of this project. We can also say that we will gain great momentum in terms of workforce. All the white-collar personnel we worked with during the project's development to this stage are from Turkey. "We will need more white-collar personnel in the later stages of the project, which will continue rapidly, and our preference will be for experts trained in our country," he said.
Source: http://www.yapi.com.tr/haberler/ozturklerden-kamerunda-1-milyar-dolarlik-konut-projesi_123854.html